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Empowering Women's Freedom of Religion and Belief

Camille N. Johnson
European Union Parliament Brussels, Belgium – Mar 4, 2024

Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary Of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Quentin L. Cook
Parliament in the Palace of Westminster, London, England – Dec 6, 2023

Onde a liberdade e a responsabilidade se encontram: Como a religião cultiva o bem humano

Este artigo explora a interseção entre liberdade religiosa, responsabilidade social e justiça, destacando a importância da colaboração e compreensão mútua. Ao reconhecer a diversidade de crenças e práticas religiosas, enfatiza-se o papel da religião na promoção da moralidade e na inspiração para ações benevolentes. Além disso, destaca-se a necessidade de equilibrar a liberdade individual com a responsabilidade coletiva, destacando como a liberdade religiosa pode impulsionar esforços altruístas e promover a coesão social. Por fim, é ressaltada a importância do sacrifício e do compromisso para construir uma sociedade mais justa e compassiva.

Ulisses Soares
Simpósio Organizado pelo Centro Internacional de Estudos de Direito e Religião em parceria com o Centro Brasileiro de Estudos de Direito e Religião – Aug 8, 2023

Protecting Religious Liberty in a Rapidly Evolving Society

In her address at Inner Temple, London, the President of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints underscores the importance of defending religious liberty while seeking common ground. Drawing from her legal background and the Relief Society's mission, she highlights the organization's role in providing both temporal and spiritual relief globally. Emphasizing principles of political neutrality, humanitarian aid, and collaboration, she advocates for the universal application of compassion and service, promoting unity and integrity amidst the challenges of an evolving society.

Camille N. Johnson
“Religious Responses to the Rise of Autocracy” panel at the 2023 Notre Dame Religious Liberty Summit, held at Inner Temple, London, United Kingdom. – Jul 13, 2023

The Architecture of a Pluralistic Society

Ulisses Soares
Religious Freedom Symposium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – Mar 23, 2022

“General Joseph Smith and His Candidacy for the Presidency of the United States: How a Religious Leader Contributed to Strengthening American Democracy

Joseph supported the participation in the democratic process of those who might vote contrary to what even he would have wanted. He took a principled stand, anyone who qualifies, under law, to participate should be encouraged to do so, especially minorities, religious or other.

Then, as now, Latter-day Saints wanted American democratic rights promised in the Constitution to be more than a myth. As a leading evangelical theologian recently stated, the Latter-day Saints in the United States “just want a place at the American table.

Dale G. and Ruth L. Renlund
BYU Religious Freedom Annual Review hosted by the International Center for Law and Religion Studies, BYU Law School – Jun 15, 2021